The Medicine of light
The Medicine of light
We need a paradigm shift in the way we perceive ourselves and the way we perceive the nature of healing.
This requires a substantially new manner of thinking, according to Einstein, and a massive change in consciousness according to the former president of Czechoslovakia., Vaclav Havel
Unfortunately, in the 19th century, complementary medicine was thrown out of the window
With Rockefeller, the recalibration of medicine has become pharmaceutical and diagnostic and is not looking at the total picture of what a person is.
The human has a deep connection not only with the basic functions of the body, but also connections with a social environment, their relationships, the basic social determinants of health, and also the living cosmos.
Nowadays, people do not even accept that consciousness is outside the brain.
They see consciousness as an epiphenomenonof the brain.
A new manner of thinking and a new way of being requires a review of the cartography of the human body and an understanding of the whole human soul.
This is something that has never been taught in medical schools.
It has become part of religion, rather than understanding that we are part and parcel of a living, self-referential, conscious, loving field of the universe.
This work has been very much expressed in the work of Ervin Laszlo.
Below I have summarized some concepts about the medicine of light and Era Three medicine
Era three medicine is when we bring love as the highest common denominator.
The Medicine Of Light: Nurturing Relationships and Beyond
The key to healing is relationship. Being loved is about being seen and being able to express yourself in a situation where you can be heard.
• impact on our physiology.
The most famous scientific trials are the increased survival time in patients with breast cancer attending support groups (David Spiegel)
and stress reduction techniques on healing malignant melanoma (Fauzey and Fauzey),
reduction of heart disease with a comprehensive lifestyle program treating the mind and body (Dean Ornish).
• Rachael Naomi Remen, Director for the Study of Health and Illness at Commonweal has said that intimacy heals suffering.
She has said that we suffer not because we are in pain, the real suffering is that we feel we are in pain alone
Relationships and love
As little as six weeks in a loving supportive group can affect recurrence and death rates from cancer years later (Dean Ornish).
Three Eras Of Medicine —Dr Larry Dossey
Era I, The Biomedical Model
Era II Medicine –Psychosomatic medicine including psychoneuroimmunology
III Medicine of light -- local and non-local of light -
consciousnessNonlocal mind -- mind that is boundless
unlimited healing at a distance a
transpersonal noetic medicine of one ness
We are all holograms of each other – consciousness is an essential oneness of all things
We have finite bodies and infinite minds